Everyone on the ski slope must behave in such a way that they do not endanger others or cause harm to themselves or others.
Anyone on a ski slope must adapt their speed to their ability, capabilities, terrain, snow conditions and the number of people on the slope.
Anyone travelling on the ski slope must choose the direction of travel so as not to endanger persons on the ski slope in front of them and at the same time must keep a sufficient distance from persons on the ski slope.
Overtaking may be done from the right or from the left so that the person being overtaken has sufficient room for the direction and manner of travel.
Anyone entering a ski slope or wishing to resume movement on the slope after stopping must ensure that another person is not approaching from above or below so as not to endanger themselves or others.
Anyone travelling on a ski slope must not stop and stand on narrow and obstructed parts of the ski slope without good reason. The person who has fallen must leave the place as quickly as possible.
A person ascending or descending a ski slope must use the edge of the ski slope.
Everyone on the ski trails is obliged to respect the signs and signals on the trails.
In the event of an accident, everyone is obliged to provide first aid and call an authorised person from the Mountain Rescue Service (HZS – telephone numbers: 18 300, 112, or 041 5695232, 0903 624 028).
Everyone is obliged to follow the instructions of the ski slope operator during the ski slope grooming.
Everyone, whether a participant in an accident or a witness, is obliged to provide basic information about his or her person
A skier under 15 years of age is obliged to protect his/her head on the ski slope with a properly fitted protective helmet.
The cabin also runs at the weekend. From April onwards in weekend mode, including Fridays.