Autumn holiday
Cabin car Chleb in operation from 25.10. till 3.11. + 11.11.

Víkend na svahu

14 - 15. 02. 2024

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Víkend na svahu

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Don’t miss news, events from Vrátná and subscribe to our newsletter. Nullam magna ligula, convallis nec orci sed, consequat sagittis nulla. Aenean nec tortor elit. Maecenas at est nec libero elementum hendrerit. Maecenas id sollicitudin quam, nec varius elit. Mauris justo est, facilisis vel sollicitudin in, hendrerit sed lectus.

Quisque scelerisque placerat massa, in blandit mauris eleifend non. Quisque posuere massa eget risus lacinia, at malesuada nibh lacinia. Sed condimentum sit amet sapien id vulputate. Nulla convallis, enim eu vestibulum fermentum, massa augue bibendum augue, ac elementum eros elit at libero. Nunc tempus urna elit, vel rutrum magna ullamcorper non. Donec vel magna convallis, imperdiet tortor eu, posuere purus. Nullam nibh turpis, efficitur a neque non, dictum efficitur velit. Maecenas nisl nisl, varius at consectetur ut, fermentum ut ex. Phasellus ultricies tortor massa, in aliquam metus congue in. Nullam sodales augue vel eros fringilla, nec placerat libero iaculis.


Prihlásiť sa môžete priamo na mieste, alebo online prostredníctvom stránky


Children in categories skiers – boys and girls in subcategories

  • 0 – 6 years ‘Šuser’ (born in 2018 and younger) 3 gates slalom
  • 7 – 8 years (born in 2017 and 2016)

Regulation: the race is run according to the currently valid Rules of Alpine Ski Racing.


OrganiserRAW Vrátna in cooperation with Vrátna Malá Fatra and volunteers
Technical securityRAW Vratna
DeadlineFebruary 2024 – Sunday
ApplicationsOn site or online at Č (
PresentationFebruary 2024 from 8.00 – 9.30 a.m. in the RAW Vrátna building
(parking by the four-seater)
Information+421 903 528 535 Ing. Weiner Michal
Entry feeMinimum 1€ or more as a contribution to the organisation
Health serviceMountain Rescue Service Slovakia

Miscellaneous provisions

Changes in the timetable are subject to the decisions of the organising committee. Competitors and spectators participate in the race at their own risk. The race schedule is binding for all competitors and officials. The costs associated with participation are borne by the competitors themselves.

Náš tip

Prvú časť túry, výstup z Vrátnej do Snilovského sedla si môžete skrátiť jazdou lanovkou.

Changes in the timetable are subject to the decisions of the organising committee. Competitors and spectators participate in the race at their own risk. The race schedule is binding for all competitors and officials. The costs associated with participation are borne by the competitors themselves.

Changes in the timetable are subject to the decisions of the organising committee. Competitors and spectators participate in the race at their own risk. The race schedule is binding for all competitors and officials. The costs associated with participation are borne by the competitors themselves.

Adresa a kontakt

Vrátna dolina 1
013 06 Terchová
Slovenská republika


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