Weekend on the slopes
We're in for a weekend with perfect weather, just like ordered, along with Saturday’s Forest Skis test event!

Cableway Operating rules – LD Paseky and KLD Chleb


Suspended passenger chair single-rope orbital cableway with non-removable carriages and boarding belt


  • OMNITRADE, a.s. , Černyševského 48 , 851 01 Bratislava , as
    operator of transport on the cableway (carrier) within the meaning of § 7 of the Act
    NRSR No.514/2009 Coll. on transport on railways , § 65 of the Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic
    no.351/2009 Z.z. on the transport regulations for railways, issues this Transport Regulations
    ( hereinafter referred to as PPOR) for the suspended passenger chair single-rope orbital
    ropeway with non-removable wagons and boarding belt type 4-CLF Vrátna-Paseky.
  • OMNITRADE, a.s. , Černiševského 48 , 851 01 Bratislava is the owner
    and at the same time the operator of the cableway in question and is responsible for
    the fulfilment of the obligations arising from the relevant generally binding
    legal regulations for the cableway operator.
  • The Transport Regulations regulate the details of transport on the cableway
    for the transport of persons, animals and goods.
  • It regulates in detail the relations that arise in the transport of persons, animals and things,
    between the carrier and the participants in the transport on the LD, except for the price relations,
    which regulate the tariffs.
  • For the performance of transport on LD on the basis of a special request in a
    state of emergency, the provisions of this PPOR shall apply only if agreed between
    the applicant and the carrier.
  • Employees of the carrier who are in charge of controlling the transport service
    (authorised personnel) may give passengers the instructions and orders necessary
    in order to ensure the safety and continuity of traffic on the LD. These are in particular
    instructions concerning the positioning of passengers in seats (carriages),
    the release or leaving of the area of stations in the perimeter of the line, the admission
    of luggage for carriage and its correct stowage, the maintenance of peace and order
    in the perimeter of the line, in stations and carriages.
  • The carrier’s employees may further perform acts to ensure
    and control the fulfilment of transport and tariff conditions as well as to ascertain
    the identity of passengers.
  • Employees of the carrier who are authorised to give instructions pursuant to paragraphs 1,2 shall
    be marked with the carrier’s emblem.

Transport of persons, animals and things

  1. A passenger who has fulfilled the conditions laid down in the PPOR and in the LD tariff is entitled to the carriage.
  2. Passengers are obliged to contribute to the order, safety and continuity of transport on LD by conscious discipline, observance of PPOR and other
    regulations related to the carriage of passengers and instructions of the carrier.
  3. Transport on LD is a so-called seasonal operation, all year round, except for the time
    defined for the performance of prescribed tasks, maintenance, repairs and tests of LD equipment.
  4. The railway operator – carrier informs the travelling public at least 7 days in advance about stopping the operation of the railway and transport on the railway (due to carrying out the prescribed maintenance tasks of repairs and tests of the LD equipment) by means of notice boards in publicly accessible places of stations or by publishing information in mass media.


  • The exact timing of transport on LD is determined by the timetable issued by the carrier in accordance with § 30 (2) (b) of Act No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways, § 62, § 86 to § 88 of the Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic No.351/2009 Coll. on the traffic regulations for railways.Right to transport.
  • A person who has complied with the conditions laid down in these Conditions of Carriage and the Tariff shall have the right to be transported safely and on time by the carrier to the destination station in accordance with the timetable.

Carrying out transport

  1. A scheduled service (journey) will not take place if no passenger signs up for the service.
  2. In case of increased passenger interest, LD transport may be carried out outside the time interval of regular transport also at a time not specified in the timetable.
  3. If the operational condition of the LD or other serious circumstances do not allow to provide further transport on the LD, the carrier shall ensure that passengers are informed about the restriction of transport, the change of the timetable or the complete exclusion of transport on the LD (For passenger information, the provisions of § 4 paragraph 4 apply, except for the period of 7 days in advance).
  4. When carrying passengers, the carriage (seat) may be occupied by a maximum of 4 adults.
  5. In the upward direction, passengers may be transported : a. with skis on their feet, provided that the ascent platform at the return station is adapted for safe ski ascent b. without skis
  6. Only passengers without skis on their feet can be transported downwards.
  7. A child under 10 years of age must not be transported in a child seat alone, but only when accompanied (accompanied) by an adult or a person over 15 years of age.
  8. When carrying fewer than four passengers, they must occupy the seat evenly so that it is balanced and hangs vertically on the conveyor rope.
  9. The capacity on the return branch is set at 50%, i.e. either passengers sit in seats two in the middle or four in every other seat.

Priority transport

  1. Eligible for priority transportation are :
    a. Cable car employees
    b. Employees of the mountain service or other rescue services who are
    on duty, their assistants and persons who provide rescue work, persons
    who have suffered an accident “persons to be rescued” (Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No.544/2002 § 8, para.2 )
    c. Persons in charge of supervision or persons of the relevant inspection
    d. Physically or medically handicapped persons,
    e. Persons specially designated or otherwise identified, by special agreement or
    consent of the responsible manager of the carrier,

Transport of disabled (immobile) persons

  1. The technical design of the technological equipment of the cableway does not allow easy transport of physically disabled persons in wheelchairs.
  2. In the event of a request for the carriage of such a person using a wheelchair, such a person or the person accompanying him/her must, when purchasing the ticket, notify the relevant employee of the carrier of his/her request for carriage on the cableway and ask for assistance in transporting such a person (and, if applicable, his/her wheelchair) on the cableway.
  3. Upon request pursuant to paragraph 2, the carrier shall provide assistance in boarding and alighting a disabled passenger. The arrival of such a passenger in the platform area shall be arranged by the passenger himself (self-accompanied).
  4. When transporting a passenger as referred to in paragraph 1, station attendants shall assist such passenger in getting on and off the seat.
  5. Boarding and alighting of passengers according to paragraph 1 may be carried out only when the carriage (seat) is stopped in the station.

Exclusion of persons from transport

  1. The following persons shall not be entitled to or may be excluded from carriage by the carrier :
    a. who show signs of excessive use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances and persons who, because of illness, extreme soiling of outer clothing or for other reasons, may annoy or otherwise cause annoyance to fellow passengers or may adversely affect the safety of the carriage of passengers.
    b. Who fail to comply with the rules of carriage, instructions and orders of authorised employees of the carrier, by their conduct annoy other passengers or otherwise interfere with the safe and comfortable carriage of passengers.
    c. Without a valid ticket, who cannot show proof of fare payment according to the fare schedule.
    d. With luggage or their pets if they are an obstruction to the safe , quiet and comfortable transportation of passengers or if they endanger the health of passengers .
  2. The amount of reimbursement in case of failure to present a valid ticket ( in case of checking even after getting off the seat ) is 10 times the basic fare without surcharges and discounts.

Luggage transport

  1. Passengers have the right to take on board, free of charge, easily transportable luggage up to a weight of 5 kg (small items that can be carried on the lap or in the hand as required are not considered luggage), one pair of skis and poles.
  2. The carriage of live animals on a seat is permitted only if the special conditions laid down for their carriage are met (§ 15).
  3. Firearms may only be carried by a passenger who presents a valid licence to carry the firearm in question. The passenger shall then be obliged to comply with the special regulations when transporting it.
  4. Persons authorised to carry firearms may take with them an appropriate number of cartridges, which must be stored in cartridge belts in hunting pockets and similar containers.
  5. Transportation of larger luggage and other items is carried out separately (e.g. separately on a seat or assembly car), provided that their transportation is possible taking into account their dimensions and weight, technical parameters of carriages and other LD equipment. Such carriage shall be carried out at a special tariff to be determined by the carrier.

Exclusion of luggage and belongings from carriage

  1. You are not allowed to take on the seat and transport :
    and. Items the carriage of which is prohibited by the relevant generally binding regulations or by the measures of the competent state administration authorities.
    b. Dangerous substances and objects which by their properties may cause explosion, fire, damage to LD equipment, damage to the health and injury of passengers or other persons, poisoning, burning, scalding and illness of people or animals.
    c. Loaded firearms,
    d. Items that may cause or damage the seat of the seat to become soiled,
    e. Items that by their appearance or characteristics ( e.g. odor, rot, etc. ) may annoy or otherwise inconvenience passengers.

Responsibility for luggage transport

  1. The carrier is not liable for the loss of luggage and items that are transported together with the passenger (including skis and other ski equipment).
  2. The carrier shall be liable for damage caused to the luggage carried with the passenger during carriage or to the belongings carried with him/her in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil

Baggage check

  1. If an authorised employee of the carrier is in doubt as to whether the items which the passenger wishes to take on board meet the requirements laid down (§ 11, § 12), he shall be entitled to satisfy himself in the presence of the passenger as to their content and nature. If the passenger refuses to examine the luggage or if, on examination, it is found that the contents of the luggage and other items are excluded from carriage in accordance with the provisions of this PPOR, the carrier shall be entitled not to carry such luggage, items or animals on the LD. The passenger shall remove such baggage from the seat.
  2. An authorised employee of the carrier is entitled to exclude from carriage luggage or other items that a passenger wishes to carry if they may be an obstacle to the safe, undisturbed and comfortable carriage of other passengers or if they may endanger the health of passengers or if the technical parameters
    of the carriage or the occupancy of the carriage do not allow it.

Transport of animals

  1. Passengers may take small pets or other small animals with them on board (as luggage ), unless prevented by special regulations, if they are enclosed in cages, baskets , or other suitable portable containers with an impermeable bottom. The provisions on the carriage of luggage shall apply to the carriage of boxes containing animals.
  2. Without the box, only the pet dog can be taken on the seat. The following conditions apply for transporting pet dogs without a crate :
    a. The boarding of a passenger with a dog may only be done with the consent of the carrier’s duty employee at the station,
    b. The dog must be muzzled,
    c. The dog must not be sick, dirty, or aggressive,
    d. The dog must be tethered and held by the owner so that it cannot suddenly jump or otherwise negatively impact the safety of the service,
    e. The dog must be restrained and held by the owner so that it cannot suddenly jump or otherwise negatively impact the safety of the service, e. Only one dog may be carried on a seat at a time, this restriction does not apply if, for example, two dogs are carried by the same passenger,
    f. No other passenger other than the owner of the dog may be carried on the seat where the dog is carried in accordance with the above conditions.
  3. An authorised employee of the carrier may decide to exclude a pet or other animal from carriage if it may be an obstacle to the safe, undisturbed and uncomfortable carriage of passengers or if it may endanger the health of passengers or if the conditions of carriage (e.g. seat occupancy) do not allow it.
  4. By local regulation, the carrier may exclude the carriage of live animals altogether for a temporary period. This authorisation of the carrier does not apply to service dogs of the mountain rescue service, the armed forces and the security forces and to guide dogs accompanying, for example, visually impaired persons.

Obligations of the carrier

  1. The carrier is obliged to carry out the carriage of passengers on the LD with professional care. During the transport he is obliged to ensure the safety of transport of passengers, animals and things.
  2. The carrier is obliged to publish the tariff on request of passengers to provide information related to the transport on the LD , to publish an extract from the timetable in the stations and to make the timetable available for inspection on request.
  3. Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers must be in a roadworthy condition corresponding to their approved roadworthiness. The space on the seats must be kept properly clean.
  4. Carry out transport on the runway according to the rules of operation of transport on the runway and the licence, the operating rules and the POUS.
  5. Stop the operation of a rail vehicle that endangers the safety and health of persons, the safety of property or the environment beyond a tolerable level.
  6. To equip and identify in the prescribed manner its employees who are authorised to give instructions to passengers, consignors and consignees to maintain the safety and continuity of traffic on the railway.
  7. Carry out transport on the cableway according to the timetable and tariff.
  8. To inform passengers about the transport services provided and the prices for the services provided.

Obligations of the cableway operator

  1. To equip and identify in the prescribed manner its employees who are authorised to give instructions to passengers, consignors and consignees to maintain the safety and continuity of traffic on the railway.
  2. Designate areas within the runway perimeter that are not open to the public.
  3. Visibly mark with the name of the station , which it operates.
  4. Provide information to orient passengers at stations and inform passengers about the transport services provided and the prices for the services provided.
  5. Publish timetables and changes to timetables.

Obligations of passengers

  1. In the interest of safety of transport on the railway, passengers are obliged to exercise caution, observe the relevant legal and other measures of the carrier, obey the instructions of the authorised employees of the LD operator and the carrier, and respect the warnings and instructions given on the installed information boards.
  2. A passenger who is within the perimeter of the cableway, in the area of stations and carriages is obliged to obey the instructions and commands of an authorised employee of the cableway operator and the carrier, which are aimed at ensuring the safety or continuity of transport as well as his personal safety and the safety of other passengers. At the request of an authorised employee of the carrier, he shall be obliged to prove his identity.
  3. The passenger is obliged to behave in such a way as not to disturb the quiet, comfortable and safe carriage of other passengers, not to damage the equipment of the vehicle and other facilities of the railway operator and the carrier serving the passengers, not to pollute the vehicle and the premises of the carrier, not to annoy the passengers and the authorised employees of the railway operator and the carrier.
  4. The passenger is solely responsible for the proper and safe storage of his/her luggage and other belongings prior to their carriage.
  5. During carriage on the funicular, passengers are forbidden to: a. linger unreasonably in the platform and exit platform and station areas b. lean out of the seats, swing c. open the reclining armrest on the seat d. throw any objects out of the seat during the journey and leave things sticking out of the vehicle e. smoke or use open flames on the seat and in the platform and exit platform and station areas
  6. Passengers may board and alight from carriages only in stations in designated areas.
  7. If the cableway stops, the passenger is obliged to remain calmly seated on the seat and wait for the ride to resume. Alternatively, he/she shall follow the instructions of the authorised staff of the carrier.
  8. After leaving the seat, the passenger is obliged to leave the station’s exit area as soon as possible.
  9. The passenger is obliged to pay the fare, to present a valid ticket (or other document authorizing the carriage) for inspection at the request of an authorized employee of the carrier before boarding the seat as well as after getting off the seat in the station area.

Fares (transport costs)

  1. The Tariff regulates the rates of the basic fare, surcharges, discounts and other charges associated with the carriage of passengers, their luggage, animals and belongings, as well as the conditions under which it applies.
  2. The carrier is obliged to ensure that the specified tariffs are made available to the travelling public in the station premises at the points designated for the purchase of tickets (ticket offices).
  3. A passenger who is not entitled to free carriage shall be obliged to pay the fare specified in the tariff for a single journey or for the right to travel within a certain period of time. If a passenger claims a right to a reduced fare, he shall be obliged to prove his right without being required to do so.
  4. The tariff determines for which luggage the passenger is obliged to pay the fare.

Entitlement to reimbursement of travel expenses

  1. The passenger has the right to request a refund of the fare if the
    cable car service is not operated in the event of an interruption or restriction of the
    service for a period of more than 3 hours due to :
    a. malfunction of the LD equipment
    b. if other serious circumstances do not allow to provide further transport according
    to the timetable and require interruption or restriction
    of the operation of the cableway ( does not apply if the passenger had the opportunity to use other
    mountain transport equipment of the carrier in the resort ).
  2. The carrier shall refund the fare only upon request of the passenger, who is obliged to present a valid ticket for the day on which the carriage was not performed for the reasons specified in paragraph 1.
  3. The fare for partial carriage of a passenger shall be refunded after deduction of the pro rata fare for the day in question.
  4. When a pro rata refund is made, the responsible employee of the carrier must make a record of the refund with a valid ticket attached.
  5. In cases other than those referred to in paragraphs 1,3, the fare shall not be refunded.
  6. The passenger is not entitled to a refund of the fare also in the event that the transport does not take place due to adverse weather conditions within the meaning of the relevant provisions of the Operational Regulations, illness of the passenger, loss of the ticket, in the event that the passenger himself is not interested in the transport (e.g. he wants to leave the ski resort early).


  1. A valid ticket is proof of the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of persons and luggage on the cableway and proof of payment of the fare.
  2. The ticket contains in particular the name of the carrier, the type of ticket, the period of validity, the operating range of validity (cableway + ski lift, etc.), the amount of the fare.
  3. Tickets are single tickets and time tickets. A single-use ticket entitles the passenger to travel on one or both sections (return) of the cableway line. The validity period of time tickets is determined by the tariff.
  4. A time ticket entitles you to transport within a specified time period within the scope of the operating validity for which it was issued.
  5. A single ticket and a time ticket not in the name of the passenger shall be transferable.
  6. A time ticket in your name is non-transferable.
  7. A single-use ticket must show details which enable its validity and correctness of use to be checked in the light of the nature of the service.
  8. In particular, the following information must be apparent from the time ticket :
    • type of time tickettime of validity
    • operational scope of validity (lifts, ski lifts, resort, etc.)
    • the amount of the ticket price
    • the name of the ticket holder (if it is a named time ticket)
    • the name of the organisation (carrier) that issued the ticket.
  9. The passenger is obliged to carry a valid ticket at all times during the carriage and at the time of disembarkation from the vehicle.
  10. Passengers without a valid ticket will not be admitted to the carriage.


  1. The ticket office must be open at least 10 minutes before the start of the first ride in the daily operation of the funicular or before the start of subsequent rides during the day.
  2. The fare shown on the ticket must be the same as the fare paid by the passenger. The passenger is obliged to make sure that the ticket has been issued according to the required data, in particular whether the fare paid corresponds to the price indicated on the ticket,
    later complaint of the passenger is not taken into account by the carrier.

Checking tickets

  1. At the request of an authorised employee of the carrier at the time of boarding and leaving the carriage, the passenger is obliged to present a ticket or to present a document authorising the carriage.
  2. The carrier shall be entitled to require a passenger who fails to present a valid ticket to pay the fare and the reimbursement ( fine ). If the passenger is unwilling ( or unable ) to pay the fare and the reimbursement on the spot, the carrier shall be entitled to require the passenger to provide the personal data necessary
    for their recovery.

Transport accidents and incidents

  1. In the event of an accident and an extraordinary event (MU) on the funicular railway (see Operating Rules), as a result of which further transport will not be possible or, in view of the extent and consequences of the occurrence of the MU, will be carried out in an extraordinary mode, the carrier is obliged to immediately inform the passengers in the carriages about the situation and the further procedure for the purpose of transporting them to the stations or leaving the carriages (evacuation from the carriages).
  2. Immediately after the occurrence of an MU according to paragraph 1), the head of the LD operation is obliged to take the necessary measures, if necessary, to ensure the provision of first aid to the affected persons, to transport the injured persons for professional medical treatment and to avert any further damage to health, lives of persons and property. Furthermore, he is obliged to take measures to secure any witnesses to the MU and to secure documentary material.

Evacuation of passengers from carriages

  1. If, during the passenger transport, a fault occurs on the LD equipment to such an extent that it is impossible to continue the journey without repair, or if a sudden change in weather conditions does not allow the journey to be completed, while the cable car operation has been stopped and the passengers have remained on the line, the head of the LD operation or his/her deputy is
    obliged to make an immediate decision on the further course of action. After assessing the situation, the Head of Operations shall decide whether to proceed with the urgent rectification of the fault or the evacuation of the passengers. In doing so, he/she shall take into account the number of passengers on the line, their age and physical fitness (with regard to the extent, labour intensity), the time required to remove the fault, the development of weather conditions, the time of day, etc.
  2. The LD Operations Manager or his/her representative shall immediately ensure that all passengers remaining on the line are informed of the decision to evacuate passengers from the carriages. If necessary, he/she shall ensure that they are informed during the evacuation.
  3. If the Head of Operations decides that it is necessary to evacuate passengers, it is his/her responsibility to personally organise and direct all related work and activities.
  4. LD employees as well as employees of other organisations with whom it is contractually agreed to provide assistance to the LD operator in evacuating passengers are obliged to respect the authority of the LD Operations Manager without reservation.
  5. After the evacuation of passengers is completed, the LD Operations Manager shall ensure that no carriage occupied by passengers remains on the line. He shall then determine the next procedure for terminating LD operation.
  6. In the event of a rescue operation, the Head of Operations shall be authorised to issue orders to report for duty even to those workers who are off duty at the critical time.
  7. For the purpose of organisational security, an Evacuation Plan for the evacuation of passengers from carriages (hereinafter referred to as the Evacuation Plan) has been prepared. The Evacuation Plan is prepared taking into account the local conditions as well as the number and type of rescue equipment used
  8. The evacuation of passengers from the carriages on the LD route shall be personally managed and responsible for by the LD Operations Manager or the employee acting for him/her at that time.
  9. If necessary, the head of the LD operation ensures that the medical rescue service, mountain rescue service or fire service is called. In case of lack of own staff for rescue work, the head of the LD operation shall call other staff from the ski lifts.


  1. The exercise of the passenger’s rights arising out of or in connection with the carriage must be exercised by the passenger with the carrier, otherwise they shall lapse. This shall not apply in the case of a right to compensation for damage to health, or to luggage carried with the passenger or to goods in the passenger’s possession, which may be asserted directly in court.
  2. If a refund of the amount of money paid to the carrier is claimed, the person who paid the amount of money – the customer of the carriage (the beneficiary) – is entitled to make a claim.
  3. The right to a refund of the fare (in cases under §20 (1,2,3) , if the carriage has not taken place, may only be exercised by the passenger on the day on which the ticket was purchased.
  4. The claim must be made in writing only. In the claim, the person entitled must specify his/her claims against the carrier and state the reasons for them. He must also enclose documents confirming the validity of his claims and the correctness of the amount claimed (in particular proof of payment of the amount claimed
    ), a memorandum drawn up with the carrier and the address to which the result of the claim procedure is to be sent.
  5. The person entitled must exercise his right with the carrier without undue delay.
  6. If the complaint does not have the necessary elements, the carrier shall invite the complainant to complete it and shall set a time limit for its completion, which shall not be shorter than 8 days. If the particulars of the claim are completed within the time limit set, this shall be deemed to be a proper submission of the claim. In the event that the claimant fails to complete the required particulars within the time limit
    , the carrier shall not deal with the claim.


  1. Circumstances which may give rise to liability, pecuniary or otherwise, between the carrier and the passenger shall normally be ascertained and documented by means of a report. Such a record shall be the basis for the exercise of rights. The record shall be drawn up by the carrier in the presence of the party(s) concerned, preferably at the place where the circumstance about which it is drawn up was discovered.
  2. The correctness of the findings contained in the minutes shall be confirmed by the signature of both parties who took part in the minutes.
  3. If the person concerned disagrees with the content of the minutes, he shall indicate in the minutes with which data and wording he disagrees and for what reason and shall sign the minutes so completed. If a person taking part in the taking of the minutes refuses to sign them, his name shall be entered in the minutes, together with the reasons for his refusal. If an employee of the carrier does not agree with the contents of the minutes and does not make an entry in the minutes as referred to in the first sentence, the carrier shall be obliged to prove that the information in the minutes is incorrect.

Complaint handling

  1. The carrier is obliged to settle the claim within 3 months starting from the day after the day on which the claim was lodged (postmark date applies) or personally lodged with the carrier. The carrier shall notify the complainant in writing of the outcome (acceptance or rejection) of the complaint.
  2. If the carrier rejects the right asserted by the claim in whole or in part, he must state the reasons for this position.

Limitation and extinction of rights of carriage

The limitation of citizens’ rights is regulated by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.

MANAGER: Omnitrade, a.s. Černyševského 48, 851 01 Bratislava, operation: Vrátna dolina. Tel.:+421 903 266 231, e-mail: infocentrum@vratna.sk, ID:35724633, VAT:2020267887


Suspended passenger eight-seat single-cabin orbital cableway with detachable carriages


  • OMNITRADE, a.s., Černyševského 48, 851 01 Bratislava, as the operator of transport on the cableway (carrier) within the meaning of § 7 of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No.514/2009 Coll. on transport on railways, § 65 of the Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic No.351/2009 Coll. on the transport regulations for railways, issues this Transport Regulations ( hereinafter referred to as PPOR ) for suspended passenger eight-seater cabin single-rope orbital cableway with detachable wagons type 8 MGD Vrátna – Chleb.
  • OMNITRADE, a.s. , Černyševského 48, 851 01 Bratislava, is the owner and at the same time the operator of the cableway in question and is responsible for the fulfilment of the obligations arising from the relevant generally binding legal regulations for the operator of the cableway.
  • The Transport Regulations regulate the details of transport on the cableway for the transport of persons, animals and goods.
  • It regulates in detail the relations which arise in the carriage of persons, animals and goods between the carrier and the participants in the LD transport, except for the price relations which are regulated by tariffs.
  • For transport on LD on the basis of a special request in an emergency, the provisions of this PPOR apply only if agreed between the applicant and the carrier.
  • Employees of the carrier who are in charge of controlling the transport service (authorised staff) may give passengers the instructions and orders necessary to ensure the safety and continuity of traffic on the LD. In particular, they shall give instructions concerning the positioning of passengers in cabins (carriages), the clearance or abandonment of stations within the perimeter of the line, the admission of luggage for carriage and its correct stowage, and the maintenance of peace and order within the perimeter of the line, stations and carriages.
  • The carrier’s employees may also perform acts to ensure and control the fulfilment of transport and tariff conditions as well as to ascertain the identity of passengers.
  • Employees of the carrier who are authorised to give instructions pursuant to paragraphs 1, 2 shall be marked with the carrier’s emblem.

Transport of persons, animals and things

  1. A passenger who has fulfilled the conditions laid down in the PPOR and in the LD fare is entitled to the carriage.
  2. Passengers are obliged to contribute to the order, safety and continuity of transport on LD by conscious discipline, observance of PPOR and other regulations related to passenger transport and instructions of the carrier.
  3. Transport on LD is a so-called seasonal operation, all year round, except for the time defined for the performance of prescribed tasks, maintenance, repairs and tests of LD equipment.
  4. The railway operator – carrier informs the travelling public about the stoppage of the railway operation and transport on the railway (due to the performance of prescribed maintenance, repair and testing of LD equipment) at least 7 days in advance by means of notice boards in publicly accessible places of stations or by publishing information in mass media.


The exact timing of transport on LD is determined by the timetable issued by the carrier in accordance with § 30 (2) (b) of Act No. 513/2009 Coll. on railways, § 62, § 86 to § 88 of the Decree of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic No.351/2009 Coll. on the traffic regulations for railways.

Right to transport

  • A person who has complied with the conditions laid down in these Conditions of Carriage and the Tariff shall have the right to be transported safely and on time by the carrier to the destination station in accordance with the timetable.

Carrying out transport

  1. A scheduled service (journey) will not take place if no passenger signs up for the service.
  2. In case of increased passenger interest, LD transport may be carried out outside the time interval of regular transport also at a time not specified in the timetable.
  3. If the operational condition of the LD or other serious circumstances do not allow to provide further transport on the LD, the carrier shall ensure that passengers are informed about the restriction of transport, the change of the timetable or the complete exclusion of transport on the LD (For passenger information, the provisions of § 4 paragraph 4 apply, except for the period of 7 days in advance).
  4. When transporting passengers, the carriage (cab) may be occupied by a maximum of 8
  5. A child under 10 years of age may not be transported in a cabin alone, but only when accompanied (accompanied) by an adult or a person over 15 years of age.

Priority transport

  1. Eligible for priority transportation are :
    a. Cable car employees
    b. Employees of the mountain service or other rescue services who are on duty, their assistants and persons who provide rescue work, persons who have suffered an accident “persons to be rescued” (Act of the National Assembly of the Slovak Republic No.544/2002 § 8, para.2 )
    c. Persons in charge of supervision or persons of the competent control bodies,
    d. Physically or physically disabled persons,
    e. Persons specially designated or otherwise identified, by special agreement or consent of the responsible manager of the carrier

Transport of disabled (immobile) persons

  1. The technical design of the technological equipment of the cableway does not allow easy transport of physically disabled persons in wheelchairs.
  2. In the event of a request for the transport of such a person using a wheelchair, such a person or the person accompanying him/her must, when purchasing the ticket, notify the relevant employee of the carrier of his/her request to be transported on the cableway and ask for assistance in transporting such a person (
    and his/her wheelchair, if applicable) on the cableway.
  3. Upon request pursuant to paragraph 2, the carrier shall provide assistance at
    boarding and alighting of the disabled passenger. Arrival
    of such a passenger to the platform area shall be arranged by the passenger himself (
    own escort ).
  4. When transporting a passenger as referred to in paragraph 1, station attendants shall assist such passenger in getting in and out of the cab.
  5. Boarding and alighting of passengers according to paragraph 1 may be carried out only when the carriage (cab) is stopped in the station.

Exclusion of persons from transport

  1. The following persons shall not be entitled to or may be excluded from carriage by the carrier :
    a. who show signs of excessive use of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances and persons who, because of illness, extreme soiling of outer clothing or for other reasons, may annoy or otherwise cause annoyance to fellow passengers or may adversely affect the safety of the carriage of passengers.
    b. Who fail to comply with the rules of carriage, instructions and orders of authorised employees of the carrier, by their conduct annoy other passengers or otherwise interfere with the safe and comfortable carriage of passengers.
    c. Without a valid ticket, who cannot show proof of fare payment according to the fare schedule.
    d. With luggage or their pets if they are an obstruction to the safe , quiet and comfortable transportation of passengers or if they endanger the health of passengers .
  2. The amount of payment in case of failure to present a valid ticket (in case of checking even after leaving the cab) is 10 times the basic fare without surcharges and discounts.

Luggage transport

  1. The passenger has the right to take on board, free of charge, easily portable luggage up to 5 kg ( small items that can be held in the lap or in the hand as required are not considered luggage ) one ski with sticks.
  2. The carriage of live animals on a seat is permitted only if the special conditions laid down for their carriage are met ( § 15 ).
  3. Firearms may only be carried by a passenger who presents a valid licence to carry the firearm in question. The passenger shall then be obliged to comply with the special regulations when transporting it.
  4. Persons authorised to carry firearms may take with them an appropriate number of cartridges, which must be stored in cartridge belts in hunting pockets and similar containers.
  5. Carriage of larger luggage and other items is carried out separately (e.g. separately in a cabin or assembly car) provided that their carriage is possible with regard to their dimensions and weight, technical parameters of the carriages and other LD equipment. Such carriage shall be carried out at a special tariff to be determined by the carrier.

Exclusion of luggage and belongings from carriage

  1. It is not allowed to take with you in the cabin and transport :
    and. Items the carriage of which is prohibited by the relevant generally binding regulations or by the measures of the competent state administration authorities.
    b. Dangerous substances and objects which by their properties may cause explosion, fire, damage to LD equipment, damage to the health and injury of passengers or other persons, poisoning, burning, scalding and illness of people or animals.
    c. Loaded firearms,
    d. Items that may cause or damage cabin seat soiling,
    e. Items which by their appearance or characteristics ( e.g., odor, rot, etc. ) may annoy or otherwise inconvenience passengers.

Responsibility for luggage transport

  1. The carrier is not liable for the loss of luggage and items that are transported together with the passenger (including skis and other ski equipment).
  2. The carrier shall be liable for damage caused to the luggage carried with the passenger during carriage or to the belongings carried with him/her in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil

Baggage check

  1. If an authorised employee of the carrier is in doubt as to whether the items which the passenger wishes to take on board meet the requirements laid down (§ 11, § 12), he shall be entitled to satisfy himself in the presence of the passenger as to their content and nature. If the passenger refuses to examine the luggage or if, on examination, it is found that the contents of the luggage and other items are excluded from carriage in accordance with the provisions of this PPOR, the carrier shall be entitled not to carry such luggage, items or animals on the LD. The passenger shall remove such baggage from the cabin.
  2. An authorised employee of the carrier is entitled to exclude from carriage luggage or other items that a passenger wishes to carry if they may be an obstacle to the safe, undisturbed and comfortable carriage of other passengers or if they may endanger the health of passengers or if the technical parameters
    of the carriage or the occupancy of the carriage do not allow it.

Transport of animals

  1. Passengers may take small pets or other small animals with them in the cabin (as luggage ), unless prevented by special regulations, if they are enclosed in cages, baskets , or other suitable portable containers with an impermeable bottom. The provisions on the carriage of luggage shall apply to the carriage of boxes containing animals.
  2. Without the box, only the pet dog can be taken into the cabin. The following conditions apply for transporting domestic dogs without a crate :
    a. The boarding of a passenger with a dog may only be carried out with the consent of the carrier’s staff member on duty at the station,
    b. The dog must be muzzled,
    c. The dog must not be sick, dirty, or aggressive,
    d. The dog must be tethered and held by the owner so that it cannot suddenly jump or otherwise negatively impact the safety of the service,
    e. only one dog may be carried in a single cab at a time, this restriction does not apply if there are, for example, two dogs being carried by the same passenger,
    f. no other passenger other than the owner of the dog may be carried in the cab where the dog is being carried in accordance with the above conditions.
  3. An authorised employee of the carrier may decide to exclude a pet or other animal from carriage if it may be an obstacle to the safe, uninterrupted and uncomfortable carriage of passengers or if it may endanger the health of passengers or if the conditions of carriage (e.g. occupancy of a cabin) do not allow it.
  4. By local regulation, the carrier may exclude the carriage of live animals altogether for a temporary period. This authorisation of the carrier does not apply to service dogs of the mountain rescue service, the armed forces and the security forces and to guide dogs accompanying, for example, visually impaired persons.

Obligations of the carrier

  1. The carrier is obliged to carry out the carriage of passengers on the LD with professional care. During the transport he is obliged to ensure the safety of transport of passengers, animals and things.
  2. The carrier is obliged to publish the tariff on request of passengers to provide information related to the transport on the LD , to publish an extract from the timetable in the stations and to make the timetable available for inspection on request.
  3. Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers must be in a roadworthy condition corresponding to their approved roadworthiness. The space on the seats must be kept properly clean.
  4. Carry out transport on the runway in accordance with the rules for the operation of transport on
    the runway and the licence, the operating rules and the POUS.
  5. Stop the operation of a rail vehicle that endangers the safety and health of persons, the safety of property or the environment beyond a tolerable level.
  6. To equip and identify in the prescribed manner its employees who are authorised to give instructions to passengers, consignors and consignees to maintain the safety and continuity of traffic on the railway.
  7. Carry out transport on the cableway according to the timetable and tariff.
  8. To inform passengers about the transport services provided and the prices for the services provided.

Obligations of the cableway operator

  1. To equip and identify in the prescribed manner its employees who are authorised to give instructions to passengers, consignors and consignees to maintain the safety and continuity of traffic on the railway.
  2. Designate areas within the runway perimeter that are not open to the public.
  3. Visibly mark with the name of the station , which it operates.
  4. Provide information to orient passengers at stations and inform passengers about the transport services provided and the prices for the services provided.
  5. Publish timetables and changes to timetables.

Obligations of passengers

  1. In the interest of safety of transport on the railway, passengers are obliged to exercise caution, observe the relevant legal and other measures of the carrier, obey the instructions of the authorised employees of the LD operator and the carrier, and respect the warnings and instructions given on the installed information boards.
  2. A passenger who is within the perimeter of the cableway, in the area of stations and carriages is obliged to obey the instructions and commands of an authorised employee of the cableway operator and the carrier, which are aimed at ensuring the safety or continuity of transport as well as his personal safety and the safety of other passengers. At the request of an authorised employee of the carrier, he/she shall be obliged to prove his/her identity.
  3. The passenger is obliged to behave in such a way as not to disturb the quiet, comfortable and safe carriage of other passengers, not to damage the equipment of the vehicle and other facilities of the railway operator and the carrier serving the passengers, not to pollute the vehicle and the premises of the carrier, not to annoy the passengers and the authorised employees of the railway operator and the carrier.
  4. The passenger is solely responsible for the proper and safe storage of his/her luggage and other belongings prior to their carriage.
  5. Passengers are forbidden to stay in the platform and exit areas and stations without any reason during the cableway transport.
    • leaning out of booths , swinging
    • opening the cabin by force
    • Throw any objects out of the cab while driving and leave things out of the vehicle
    • smoke or use open flames in the cabin and in the platform and exit areas and stations
  6. Passengers may board and alight from carriages only in stations in designated areas.
  7. If the cableway stops, the passenger is obliged to remain seated calmly in the cab and wait for the ride to resume. Alternatively, he/she shall follow the instructions of the authorised staff of the carrier.
  8. After getting out of the cab, he/she is obliged to leave the station exit area as soon as possible.
  9. The passenger is obliged to pay the fare, to present a valid ticket (or other document authorizing the carriage) for inspection before boarding the carriage as well as after alighting from it in the station area upon the request of an authorized employee of the carrier

Fares (transport costs)

  1. The Tariff regulates the rates of the basic fare, surcharges, discounts and other charges associated with the carriage of passengers, their luggage, animals and belongings, as well as the conditions under which it applies.
  2. The carrier is obliged to ensure that the specified tariffs are made available to the travelling public in the station premises at the points designated for the purchase of tickets (ticket offices).
  3. A passenger who is not entitled to free carriage shall be obliged to pay the fare specified in the tariff for a single journey or for the right to travel within a certain period of time. If a passenger claims a right to a reduced fare, he shall be obliged to prove his right without being asked.
  4. The tariff determines for which luggage the passenger is obliged to pay the fare.
  5. Children under 6 years of age are transported free of charge.

Entitlement to reimbursement of travel expenses

  1. The passenger has the right to request a refund of the fare if the cable car service is not operated in the event of an interruption or restriction of the service for a period of more than 3 hours due to :
    a. malfunction of the LD equipment
    b. if other serious circumstances make it impossible to provide further transport according to the timetable and require interruption or restriction of the cableway operation ( not valid if the passenger had the possibility to use other mountain transport facilities of the carrier in the resort ).
  2. The carrier shall refund the fare only upon request of the passenger, who is obliged to present a valid ticket for the day on which the carriage was not performed for the reasons specified in paragraph 1.
  3. The fare for partial carriage of a passenger shall be refunded after deduction of the pro rata fare for the day in question.
  4. When a pro rata refund is made, the responsible employee of the carrier must make a record of the refund with a valid ticket attached.
  5. In cases other than those referred to in paragraphs 1,3, the fare shall not be refunded.
  6. The passenger is not entitled to a refund of the fare also in the event that the transport does not take place due to adverse weather conditions within the meaning of the relevant provisions of the Operational Regulations, illness of the passenger, loss of the ticket, if the passenger himself is not interested in the transport (e.g. he wants to leave the ski resort early).


  1. A valid ticket is proof of the conclusion of a contract for the carriage of persons and luggage on the cableway and proof of payment of the fare.
  2. The ticket contains in particular the name of the carrier, the type of ticket, the period of validity, the operating range of validity (cableway + ski lift, etc.), the amount of the fare.
  3. Tickets are single tickets and time tickets. A single-use ticket entitles the passenger to travel on one or both sections (return) of the cableway line. The validity period of time tickets is determined by the tariff.
  4. A time ticket entitles you to transport within a specified time period within the scope of the operating validity for which it was issued.
  5. A single ticket and a time ticket not in the name of the passenger shall be transferable.
  6. A time ticket in your name is non-transferable.
  7. A single-use ticket must show details which enable its validity and correctness of use to be checked in the light of the nature of the service.
  8. The following information must be clear from the time ticket:
    – type of time ticket
    – time of validity
    – operating range of validity (lifts, ski lifts, resort, etc.)
    – price of the ticket
    – name of the ticket holder (if it is a time ticket
    in name)
    – name of the organisation (carrier) that issued the ticket.
  9. The passenger is obliged to carry a valid ticket for the whole time of carriage and at the time of alighting from the carriage.
  10. Passengers without a valid ticket will not be admitted to the carriage.


  1. The ticket office must be open at least 10 minutes before the start of the first ride in the daily operation of the funicular or before the start of subsequent rides during the day.
  2. The fare shown on the ticket must be the same as the fare paid by the passenger. The passenger is obliged to make sure that the ticket has been issued according to the required data, in particular whether the fare paid corresponds to the price indicated on the ticket,
    later complaint of the passenger is not taken into account by the carrier.

Checking tickets

  1. At the request of an authorised employee of the carrier at the time of boarding and leaving the carriage, the passenger is obliged to present a ticket or to present a document authorising the carriage.
  2. The carrier shall be entitled to require a passenger who fails to present a valid ticket to pay the fare and the reimbursement ( fine ). If the passenger is unwilling ( or unable ) to pay the fare and the reimbursement on the spot, the carrier shall be entitled to require the passenger to provide the personal data necessary
    for their recovery.

Transport accidents and incidents

  1. In the event of an accident and an extraordinary event (MU) on the funicular railway (see Operating Rules), as a result of which further transport will not be possible or, in view of the extent and consequences of the occurrence of the MU, will be carried out in an extraordinary mode, the carrier is obliged to immediately inform the passengers in the carriages
    about the situation and the further procedure for the purpose of transporting them to the stations or leaving the carriages (evacuation from the carriages).
  2. Immediately after the occurrence of an MU according to paragraph 1), the head of the LD operation is obliged to take the necessary measures, if necessary, to ensure the provision of first aid to the affected persons, to transport the injured persons for professional medical treatment and to avert any further damage to health, lives of persons and property. Furthermore, he is obliged to take measures to secure any witnesses to the MU and to secure documentary material.

Evacuation of passengers from carriages

  1. If, during the passenger transport, a fault occurs on the LD equipment to such
    extent that it is impossible to continue the journey without repair, or a sudden change in weather conditions does not allow to terminate the journey, while the operation of the cableway has been stopped and the passengers have remained on the line, the LD operation manager or his/her deputy shall immediately decide on the further course of action. After assessing the situation, the Head of Operations shall decide whether to proceed with the urgent rectification of the fault or the evacuation of the passengers. In doing so, he/she shall take into account the number of passengers on the line, their age and physical fitness (with regard to the extent, labour intensity), the time required to remove the fault, the development of weather conditions, the time of day, etc.
  2. The LD Operations Manager or his/her representative shall immediately ensure that all passengers remaining on the line are informed of the decision to evacuate passengers from the carriages. If necessary, he/she shall ensure that they are informed during the evacuation.
  3. If the Head of Operations decides that it is necessary to evacuate passengers, it is his/her responsibility to personally organise and direct all related work and activities.
  4. LD employees as well as employees of other organisations with whom it is contractually agreed to provide assistance to the LD operator in evacuating passengers are obliged to respect the authority of the LD Operations Manager without reservation.
  5. After the evacuation of passengers is completed, the LD Operations Manager shall ensure that no carriage occupied by passengers remains on the line. He shall then determine the next procedure for terminating LD operation.
  6. In the event of a rescue operation, the Head of Operations shall be authorised to issue orders to report for duty even to those workers who are off duty at the critical time.
  7. For the purpose of organisational security, an Evacuation Plan for the evacuation of passengers from the carriages (hereinafter referred to as the Evacuation Plan) has been drawn up. The Evacuation Plan has been drawn up taking into account the local conditions as well as the number and type of rescue equipment used (supplied).
  8. The evacuation of passengers from the carriages on the LD route shall be personally managed and responsible for by the LD Operations Manager or the employee acting for him/her at that time.
  9. If necessary, the head of the LD operation ensures that the medical rescue service, mountain rescue service or fire service is called. In case of lack of own staff for rescue work, the head of the LD operation shall call other staff from the ski lifts.


  1. The exercise of the passenger’s rights arising out of or in connection with the carriage must be exercised by the passenger with the carrier, otherwise they shall lapse. This shall not apply in the case of the right to compensation for damage to health, or to luggage carried with the passenger or to goods in the passenger’s possession, which may be asserted directly in court.
  2. If a refund of the amount of money paid to the carrier is claimed, the person who paid the amount of money is entitled to make a claim – the person who ordered the carriage ( the person entitled )
  3. The right to a refund of the fare (in the cases referred to in §20 (1,2,3) , if the carriage has not taken place, may only be exercised by the passenger on the day on which the ticket was purchased.
  4. The claim must be made in writing only. In the claim, the person entitled must specify and justify his claims against the carrier and include documents confirming the validity of his claims and the correctness of the amount claimed (in particular proof of payment of the amount claimed), the minutes drawn up with the carrier and the address to which the result of the claim procedure is to be sent.
  5. The person entitled must exercise his right with the carrier without undue delay.
  6. If the complaint does not have the necessary elements, the carrier shall invite the complainant to complete it and shall set a time limit for its completion, which shall not be shorter than 8 days. If the particulars of the claim are completed within the time limit set, this shall be deemed to be a proper submission of the claim. If the claimant fails to complete the required particulars within the time limit, the carrier shall not deal with the claim.


  1. Circumstances which may give rise to a liability, pecuniary or otherwise, between the carrier and the passenger shall normally be ascertained and documented by means of a report. Such a record shall be the basis for the exercise of rights. The record shall be drawn up by the carrier in the presence of the party(s) concerned, preferably at the place where the fact about which it is drawn up was discovered.
  2. The correctness of the findings contained in the minutes shall be confirmed by the signature of both parties who took part in the minutes.
  3. If the person concerned disagrees with the content of the minutes, he shall indicate in the minutes with which data and wording he disagrees and for what reason and shall sign the minutes so completed. If a person taking part in the taking of the minutes refuses to sign them, his name shall be entered in the minutes, together with the reasons for his refusal. If an employee of the carrier does not agree with the contents of the minutes and does not make an entry in the minutes as referred to in the first sentence, the carrier shall be obliged to prove that the information in the minutes is incorrect.

Complaint handling

  1. The carrier is obliged to settle the claim within 3 months starting from the day after the day on which the claim was lodged (postmark date applies) or personally lodged with the carrier. The carrier shall notify the complainant in writing of the outcome (acceptance or rejection) of the complaint.
  2. If the carrier rejects the right asserted by the claim in whole or in part, he must state the reasons for this position.

Limitation and extinction of rights of carriage

The limitation of citizens’ rights is regulated by the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.

MANAGER: Omnitrade, a.s. Černyševského 48, 851 01 Bratislava, operation: Vrátna dolina. Tel.:+421 903 266 231, e-mail: infocentrum@vratna.sk, ID:35724633, VAT:2020267887

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